CheckMark Online Payroll

Setting up Preferences in CheckMark Online Payroll

This article gives information about how to set preferences for printing in CheckMark Online Payroll. To set up Preferences, follow the below steps: 1. Click the dropdown in top right corner and then select Preferences. 2. A window should open asking you to set up the preferences and click Save. Preferences Description Prompt to Mark […]

Dashboard of CheckMark Online Payroll

In CheckMark Online Payroll, the Dashboard presents vital information and data in a visual format, bringing them together into a single view. It provides a quick and clear overview of employee count, salary details, important dates, and a summary of the payroll. This dashboard is utilized for real-time monitoring and data analysis, presenting the information […]

Setting up User Management in CheckMark Online Payroll

This article focuses on User Management, a feature designed for administrators to establish and oversee user accounts in the CheckMark Online Payroll system. With the ability to grant read-and write access, administrators can easily authorize individuals to retrieve and modify essential information based on their assigned responsibilities. User Management streamlines the administration of user accounts […]

Customizing Checks and Reports in CheckMark Online Payroll

Formatting Checks, W-2s, and W-3s You can reposition items that print on checks, or pre-printed W2s, and W-3s to align printing for your particular printer or form. Click the Edit Check Format button on the appropriate window. Note: To format employee paychecks and employer payment checks, use the Print Paychecks window. To format W-2s and […]

W-2 and W-3 Statements in CheckMark Online Payroll

Types of W-2/W-3 Reports Types Description W-2 on blank paper Select from this drop-down list, according to the following guidelines: ✓ 4-up Employee All Copies- This is for printing employee Copies B, C, and 2 on 4-up blank, perforated paper. ✓ 2-up Employer Copy A- This is for printing employer Copy A on plain paper […]

Employer Payments Report in CheckMark Online Payroll

Types Employer Payments Reports Types Description Check Register The Check Register report shows check data for the selected month, including check number, check date, payee, payment description, and the check amount. Posting Summary The Posting Summary report shows check information in a summarized format and can be used to create manual journal entries in your […]

Income and Deduction Reports in CheckMark Online Payroll

Types of Income and Deduction Reports Types Description Deduction Detail The Deduction Detail reports shows the deduction name, employee SSN, employee name, employee deduction amount and employer match amount for individual checks, along with the total for each deduction. To view employee wages and employer wages in the same report, select the checkbox “Emp Wages […]

Local Tax Reports in CheckMark Online Payroll

Creating Local Tax Reports This report shows the employee social security number, employee name, wages exempt from local taxes, total wages, wages subject to local tax and amount of the local tax withheld. There are totals by local tax at the bottom of the report. Click Reports drop-down option from the menu and then click […]

State Tax Reports in CheckMark Online Payroll

The State Taxes window allows you to produce a SUTA report, wage summary, California DE-6 Form and the MMREF file for NY and CA DE-6. Creating SUTA Taxes Reports The SUTA report shows wages exempt from SUTA (state unemployment), wages subject to SUTA, wages in excess of the SUTA maximum, and SUTA taxable wages. It […]

940 FUTA Tax Reports in CheckMark Online Payroll

CheckMark Online Payroll can produce form 940 as well as a wage summary and quarterly liability report. Types of 940 FUTA Tax Reports Types Description Wages Summary This report shows the total annual wages, wages exempt from FUTA, wages over the annual limit, and total taxable wages by employee. Quarterly Liability This report shows total […]

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