Payroll Reports

Employee Information Reports in CheckMark Online Payroll

Types of Employee Information Reports Personal Information: The Personal Information report shows the employee personal data, including name, address, phone number, Social Security number, birth date, employee number, employment status, email address and default department. Wage Information: The Wage Information report shows the employee’s salary or hourly rates, pay frequency, hire date, last raise date, […]

Payroll Reports in CheckMark Online Payroll

CheckMark Online Payroll provides multiple reporting options that can be accessed in various ways. The majority of the payroll reports are available for on-screen viewing, can be printed out, and can also be saved as either a text or XLS file format. Reports History: The section provides information about the “report history” which refers to […]

Employee Paychecks Reports in CheckMark Online Payroll

Types of Employee Paycheck Reports Types Description Check Register The Employee Check Register report gives details about checks issued to employees. It includes the number of hours worked, pay rate, income, deductions, net pay, and where the money went within the company. At the end, it also shows how much the company owes for taxes […]

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