CheckMark Online Payroll

Federal Tax Reports in CheckMark Online Payroll

You can print forms 941, 943 and 944 from the Federal Taxes window along with a Tax Summary report. Types of Federal Tax Reports Types Description Tax Summary The Tax Summary report shows tax information, including employee names, total wages and tips, federal withholding, Advance EIC, Social Security wages, Social Security tips, and Medicare wages […]

Departments and Jobs Payroll Reports in CheckMark Online Payroll

Types of Department and Jobs Payroll Reports Types Description Wages & Hours This report shows wages and number of hours for each department or job for each income category, including salary, all hour categories, and other income amounts. Totals for wages and hours for the selected report range appear after each department/job, and company totals […]

Employee Earnings Report in CheckMark Online Payroll

Types of Employee Earnings Report Types of Earning Report Description Earnings Register For the range of check dates selected, the Earnings Register report shows the employee’s selected check period along with YTD income, deductions, taxes, and net pay, as well as any employer matching amounts. Totals for the company are listed at the end of […]

Employee Information Reports in CheckMark Online Payroll

Types of Employee Information Reports Personal Information: The Personal Information report shows the employee personal data, including name, address, phone number, Social Security number, birth date, employee number, employment status, email address and default department. Wage Information: The Wage Information report shows the employee’s salary or hourly rates, pay frequency, hire date, last raise date, […]

Payroll Reports in CheckMark Online Payroll

CheckMark Online Payroll provides multiple reporting options that can be accessed in various ways. The majority of the payroll reports are available for on-screen viewing, can be printed out, and can also be saved as either a text or XLS file format. Reports History: The section provides information about the “report history” which refers to […]

Modify Payments in CheckMark Online Payroll

Modifying Employer Payment Checks The Modify Payments window allows you to modify check numbers, change dates, void or delete employer payment checks. When you open the Modify Payments window, payments already created in CheckMark Online Payroll are listed on the left with the month of the last payment selected. Check Number: When prompted, select whether […]

Print Payments in CheckMark Online Payroll

After you’ve created the employer checks, you can print them with the Print Payments window. Printing checks is optional because it’s not necessary for employer check reports. Checks can be printed or reprinted. Reprinting a check doesn’t affect employer check reports. In the list, checks that have already been printed have an asterisk (*) after […]

Print Paychecks in CheckMark Online Payroll

Printing the Payroll Checks After you’ve created the paychecks, you can print them with the Print Paychecks window. Printing paychecks is an optional step because it’s not necessary for posting check information to the employee’s earnings records. Paychecks can be printed or reprinted. Reprinting a paycheck doesn’t affect employee records. In the list, checks that […]

How to Calculate Employee Payroll in CheckMark Online Payroll

Click Run Payroll drop-down option from the menu and then select Calculate Pay. Enter the check date for this payroll. Enter the pay period start date and pay period ending date. Click OK. Step result: Calculate pay window appears. Select an employee from the list. Important: An employee’s Social Security and Medicare withholding are exact […]

Distribute Hours in CheckMark Online Payroll

If you need to allocate hours by department or job, you can use the Distribute Hours window located on the Menu. However, it’s important to note that once hours have been distributed using this window, they cannot be edited directly on the Calculate Pay window. So, if you need to make changes to an employee’s […]

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