Payroll was copied from another computer onto this one and not installed using the application install CD. To correct this, remove the payroll program from your computer and use the latest update CD to install the Payroll program onto your computer then download and install the latest patch available at the CheckMark Website You […]
CheckMark Payroll
I can’t seem to restore a backup saved to a CD drive.
Open the CD on the computer and copy the backup .zip file onto the computer. Then, using the MultiLedger/Payroll program, follow the restore steps to open your backup. Steps for restoring a backup made in a CheckMark application program are available in the application manual located under Help menu or also in this knowledge base.
The company name used to print at the top of my reports, but now it is doesn’t.
The company name will print at the top of your reports or you can also select to print the trade name of your business at the top of the reports, if you use one. To check why you are not seeing either on your reports, open Company Information from the Command Center. Your company name […]
I ran my quarterly reports and everything looks correct, but the Form 940 says its “Form 940 for 2008…”?
The Form 940 reports ANNUAL federal unemployment wages and taxes and is included in the payroll update each year. The report is not filed quarterly, but annually in January following the last completed payroll year. Deposits may need to be made quarterly or more often depending on your payroll. Running the latest version of Payroll […]
When I go to do payroll, the buttons are all greyed out and I can’t do anything. How do I get into payroll?
If you can see the Command Center, but the commands are disabled, then the application program is running but no data files are being read. You will need to open company data files in one of three of the following ways: Go under File to Open Recent Company. Payroll will keep up to five paths […]
I did payroll and just noticed that the check date is not correct. I don’t see where I can modify the check date. How do I change this?
CheckMark Payroll calculates the payroll on the check date that is entered when you open the Calculate Pay screen. If the date is entered incorrectly here, the only way to change it is to delete and re-enter the payroll.
Can hours be imported into Payroll from a time clock?
Yes, you can import hours into CheckMark Payroll. Hours are imported in the Enter Hours screen. The payroll program will import a tab-delimited text file. More specifics about import options and a text file example are included in the Payroll Manual.pdf located under the Help menu.
I want to set a default file to open when I launch the program.
CheckMark programs have a preference to Open Last Company on Launch. Once selected, the program will always open the last set of files that were open when you last Quit/Exited the program. To set this option, launch your CheckMark program and using the File/Open Company; Open Recent Company or Find Company option, open the desired […]
I want to change the format on the paycheck stub but I can’t seem to see how to do this.
The formatting on the paycheck stub is hard coded in the program with a few exceptions. Each state has requirements for information that must be included on the check stub for the employee’s information. We have set the format to meet or exceed the state(s) with the most check stub requirements. There are a few […]
I want to pay an employee more than one pay rate per pay period, how can I do this?
You need to define the hourly rate to be used in calculating each hour category in the Hour Categories Setup screen. Learn more to set up a new hour category. When naming the hour category, keep in mind the job/shift that you will be using it for to pay your employees such as: Swing, or […]