More than likely, you have an incompatible font. The program goes through the print motions, but, when there is an incompatible font it causes the file to not print, although it acts like it is. This affects the preview function also. The font may work fine in OS 9, but isn’t compatible with OS X. […]
CheckMark Payroll
I have an employee that has worked in one state most of the year, but is moving to another state for the remainder of the year, how do I handle the State taxes?
Windows and Mac versions 7.7 and higher: From the Command Center, choose Employees, select the affected employee from the list on the right and the Taxes tab. Change state withholding table and SUTA state, if applicable. The Payroll program will keep information for up to two states on each employee for W-2 purposes. The SUTA […]
When I try to import my payroll into Quickbooks, I get an error message that there’s a duplicate account.
When you get this error message, you can continue and it will import the payroll, it just won’t show the employee name on the transaction journal. To avoid this error message and have the employee name print on the journal, you need to make sure the employee names in Payroll are different than the employee […]
When I go to the Format window, there are no fields showing.
You need to change the resolution on your monitor and then change it back to it’s original setting. This resets the fields in the format window. On Mac OS9: Go into the Control Panel to Monitors. On Mac OSX: Go into Preferences to Display. On Windows: Go into Control Panels to Display to Settings
I burned my files to a CD and when I try to open them I get a message that says the disk is locked.
To open the files, you need to copy them from the CD back to your hard drive. Make sure you copy them to a different location than your current files unless you are trying to replace your current files with the backup. We recommend you use the Backup and Restore features in the program instead […]
File suffixes for current versions of MultiLedger and Payroll, file names, file extensions.
MultiLedger (Mac, Windows): .ml0 – company information .ml1 – balance .ml2 – budget .ml3 – chart of accounts .ml4 – customers .ml5 – vendors .ml6 – items .ml7 – salesperson .ml8 – job .ml9 – transactions .mlb – ship via .mlc – ship to .mld – index .mle – extras Rebuild Files rebuilds the index […]
I installed the latest update and now I am getting error messages about missing urlmon.dll and/or ole32.dll files?
These files are used by the Payroll program for a feature added in the Payroll version 3.6.3 and later. This feature checks our web site via the internet to find out is there is a new update or patch that needs to be downloaded and installed by the user. It is the ‘Check for Latest […]
I have Windows XP and can’t find where I set up my 7″ check size. (Also valid for Windows 2000)
To set up a custom paper size, open the Control Panel and then open Printers. Under the File menu, choose Create a New Form or Server Properties. Select the Create a New Form check box and define the form’s dimensions. Click on Save Form or OK. Once the form is defined, you will be able […]
I don’t want my employees SSN to print on the check stub, how do I get it off?
Every state has different laws when it comes to information that must be included on the employee payroll check stub. CheckMark Software has programmed the check stub information to cover the regulations for even the state(s) that require the most information. The SSN included on the check stub is still a requirement in one state. […]
I don’t use accrued hours and I don’t want it to print on the check stubs, how do I change this?
In the Print Paychecks window, check the box that says “Suppress Accrued” and the accrued hours won’t print on the checks.