Initial Setup

How to Set Up Inventory or Service Items in MultiLedger

Setting Up Items Items can be classified as inventory or non-inventory (for service sales). The steps for setting up items are as follows: Enter the name and information for each inventory item by following the instructions “Setting Up Items” Verify the items you set up by checking balances on an Inventory-current The first step is […]

How to Set Up Outstanding Payables in MultiLedger

Setting Up Outstanding Payables Outstanding payables are those invoices that your company has not yet paid. Outstanding payables that are dated prior to your current fiscal year are entered as totals for each vendor in the Payables Journal. Transactions entered with dates prior to your current fiscal year do not affect ledger balances. Outstanding payables […]

How to Set Up Prior Outstanding Receivables in MultiLedger

Setting Up Prior Outstanding Receivables Outstanding receivables that are dated prior to your current fiscal year are entered as invoices for each customer through the Sales Journal. Transactions entered with dates prior to your current fiscal year do not affect ledger balances. Outstanding receivables that are dated within your current fiscal year should be entered […]

How to Set Up Ledger Account Balances in MultiLedger

Setting Up Ledger Account Balances You don’t have to enter account balances before you begin transaction entry; however, to obtain a valid balance sheet you must enter the beginning balances for the accounting period you will be starting transaction entry in MultiLedger. Note: You can enter or adjust these balances at any time during the […]

How to Set Up Posting Categories in MultiLedger

Setting Up Posting Categories Category Descriptions The following table describes the purpose of each category and the MultiLedger windows that use it. Category Windows Purpose   Cash Account Asset 1000-1999 Vendor Payments Disbursements Journal   Customer Payments Receipts Journal   Paying vendors and writing checks decreases this account. Making deposits from customer payments and cash […]

How to Set Up the Chart of Accounts in MultiLedger

Setting Up the Chart of Accounts The numbering and sequencing of a company’s accounts provides the foundation for the financial reports generated by MultiLedger. While you can add accounts as needed throughout the year, careful thought and planning should go into the initial design and numbering of your company’s chart of accounts. Note: Setting up […]

How to Set Up Basic Information in MultiLedger

Setting Up Basic Company Information When you first start a new company file in MultiLedger, only a few MultiLedger commands are available until you enter basic company information and select an Ending Date of Prior Year. Click Company Information in the Command Center. Enter the company name that you want to appear at the top […]

How to Create a New Company File in MultiLedger

Creating a New Company File on Windows Open MultiLedger by clicking Start to Programs, or the shortcut, then choosing MultiLedger from the CheckMark MultiLedger group. Choose New Company from the File menu.                                                […]

How to set up a company with MultiLedger?

This article shows you how to set up a company with MultiLedger, and discusses the following topics: Entering company information, Setting up your company’s chart of accounts and beginning account balances, Entering prior outstanding receivables and payables, as well as inventory or service items. Optional setup information, such as passwords, salespeople, sales tax, budgets, jobs, […]

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