Chances are the reason this is happening is because what you are printing isn’t a check but a direct deposit. If you created a direct deposit it will not print the written amount. The easiest way to check is to go to “Modify Paycheck”. Select a check you are having problems with and on the bottom right look to see if the check box is checked for ” Direct Deposit”. If it is, this means you created a direct deposit..which had to be set up under the employee setup for it to do this. If this is not what you intended to do, then you can un-check the box and select modify. It will change it to a normal check and print the written amount for you.
The only other possible option that could cause this problem is you have the format turned to red which tells the program to not print. To check this you can go to “Print Paycheck”. Select “Edit Check Format” and it will show the fields. If written amount is in black that means it will print. If it is in red it means it will not. To change one way or another, double click on the box and the letters will change colors to the opposite. One of these options will fix your written amount printing problem.