Generate income and deductions reports in CheckMark Payroll for a complete overview of your employees’ pay and deductions. Track and manage employee payments and deductions, ensuring accurate and efficient payroll management.
Types of Income and Deduction Reports
Deduction Detail: The Deduction Detail reports shows the deduction name, employee SSN, employee name, employee deduction amount and employer match amount for individual checks, along with the total for each deduction.
Income Detail: The Income Detail report shows income name, employee social security number, employee name, check number, check date and total amount of income.
Deduction Summary: The Deduction Summary report shows the deduction name, employee SSN, employee name, deduction amount, match and total for the selected period.
Income Summary: The Income Summary report shows the income name, employee social security number, employee name, income amount for selected period and total for the selected period.
Note: To suppress the Social Security number from the report, go to the File menu and select Preferences. Choose the Omit SS# on Reports option.
Creating Income and Deduction Reports
- Click Income & Deductions in the Command Center.
- Select either the Deduction or Income radio button.
- Select one or more items for the report.
You can select a consecutive or non-consecutive series of Incomes or Deductions from the list.
If no categories are highlighted, all categories will be reported.
- Select either the Detail or Summary radio button.
- Select one or more consecutive check dates for the report.
- Click View, Print, or Text File.