Make sure the “Show Scheduled Recurring Entries” option is checked on the User Settings window under the File menu. Otherwise, the Recurring Alert window will not appear when you open MultiLedger.
When recurring entries are due, the Recurring Entry alert window will appear when you open the company files in MultiLedger. You can create the transaction directly from this window, or you can click Cancel and create the transaction later from the Recurring window under the File menu.
To create a transaction directly from the Recurring Entry alert window, do the following:
1. Select the recurring entry you want to save as a transaction.You can select more than one recurring entry at a time. To select a contiguous selection, simply click and drag through the list. To select non-contiguous selections, hold the shift key while clicking each recurring entry.
This window displays the last used date of the recurring transaction, the scheduled date, the document number that will be used, customer/vendor name (if applicable) and a description for the transaction.
2. Click Create.
All selected recurring entries are created in their appropriate transaction journals and the Recurring Alert window closes. You can modify or delete the transaction as you would any transaction.
You can see the created transactions by viewing the appropriate Transaction Journal report.