There are two ways you can pay an advance to an employee. You can either write the initial advance check out of your accounting program or out of CheckMark Payroll. Either way, you still need to deal with the taxes in CheckMark Payroll. If you write the check out of your accounting program, skip to […]
CheckMark Payroll
How to delete and reissue an employee check for a different amount than was originally posted to MultiLedger. Or correcting a payroll posting in MultiLedger?
The easiest way to correct this is to delete the General Journal entries that were created in MultiLedger and then repost the entire payroll after the correction is made. Remember, Payroll posts two journal entries, an ET and a PR entry. You need to delete them both before trying to repost.
Federal or State payroll tax is calculating incorrectly. Or, tax is calculating the same amount as previous year?
CheckMark makes every effort to have the latest payroll tax tables installed. If your payroll tax is calculating incorrectly, there are several things you can look for. Make sure you are referring to the correct tables in your Circular E. You should be comparing the tables in the Payroll program to Table 7 (Annual Pay […]
Cannot enter checks for the new year.
All Payroll is done on a calendar year basis (i.e. Jan-Dec). So, before you can enter checks in the new year, you must first finish the old year. Mac and Windows Payroll version 7.7.5 and higher. Refer to your user manual (Under Help/Payroll Manual.pdf) or Year End Tips.pdf under Help for information before using the […]
Files cannot be accessed with this version of the program
You are trying to open files that have been converted to the most recent version of Payroll or MultiLedger with an older version of the program. Locate the most recent version of the CheckMark Payroll or MultiLedger application and use that to open the files. OR If you are running in OS 9.x, you may […]
Error type 2 when trying to open files in OS X. Converting files to OS X
First you will need to go back to OS 9. Open your company files like you normally would. Go under file to Rename Files, or Rename Company and rename the company files using a simple name with no unusual characters in it like ., :, ;, {, etc. Try renaming the files like you would […]
Reverting a Customized Format back to the original default settings
Payroll for Windows and Macintosh (version 7.7 and 7.8.x) & Canadian Payroll-– To return any custom format to its original settings, hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard and click on “Edit Format”. The format window opens with the fields in their original preset positions. Close the window, then click Yes on the “Save […]
Renaming company files in MultiLedger or Payroll
This process only renames the actual company file names (e.g. [company name].ml0 or [company name].pr0), NOT the name that prints on checks, reports, etc. To change the name that prints on reports, checks, etc., use the Company Information window on the Command Center. Renaming Files Open your MultiLedger or Payroll company as you normally would. […]
Printing 2nd stub on Laser Check
Payroll for Windows and Payroll for Macintosh versions 7.7 and higher– Check “Print 2nd Check Stub” print option on Print Paychecks window located on the Command Center. This print option is carried onto the Print Payments window for printing the employer liability checks. Payroll for Windows versions 4.0 and lower– Check “Print 2nd Stub” print […]
Posting Payroll to QuickBooks
Exporting Payroll Information from CheckMark Payroll Calculate pay and create checks as you normally would in CheckMark Payroll. 2. Click Employee Paychecks in the Command Center. 3. Select the appropriate Check Date(s) in the Check Dates box. Highlight the check(s) you want to post to QuickBooks from the list on the left. If no checks […]