
After importing transactions, they show up in the transaction journal as zero dollar amounts, even though I can see the amounts in the import preview window.

If you’ve imported transactions and the transaction journal shows zero dollar amounts, then you’ve imported only one side of the entry. MultiLedger is a double-entry accounting system and requires both a debit and a credit when importing. If you import a Sales Journal transaction, here’s what it should look like: 05/01/04 7000 Customer 1 4100* […]

When I go to the Format window, there are no fields showing.

You need to change the resolution on your monitor and then change it back to it’s original setting. This resets the fields in the format window. On Mac OS9: Go into the Control Panel to Monitors. On Mac OSX: Go into Preferences to Display. On Windows: Go into Control Panels to Display to Settings

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