Both Payroll and MultiLedger for Windows and Macintosh display the path to the open set of company files.
Payroll versions 7.8.x & higher and MultiLedger version 7.0.x & higher
With your program launched and your data set open, the path is displayed in the lower left portion of the command center. The second line of text here is the path to the set of files that is currently being read.
Payroll and Multiledger will display paths to recently opened company data sets. MultiLedger 7.0.x will display up to three (3) paths under File/Recent Files; MultiLedger 7.1.x & Payroll 7.8.5x & higher up to five (5) paths under File/Recent Companies.
You should note the path to your current set of files and keep this in a handy place by copying down this information from one of these locations.